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泰德美術館(Tate Modern)原為英國岸邊發電廠(Bankside power station1949-1981)位於泰晤士河南岸

英國對當代藝術的推廣不遺餘力,藝壇新秀備出,美術館界也急起直追,2000年的夏天,泰德畫廊新的現代館 (Tate Modern) 開幕,等於是向全世界愛好藝術的人士宣告這個戲劇性的變化,同時也揭開了英國現代藝術新紀元。

British effort to the promotion of contemporary art, art rookie was prepared, art galleries sector to catch up, the summer of 2000, the new Tate Gallery of Modern Museum (Tate Modern) the opening, and so was the art-loving people around the world announced the dramatic change, but also opened a new era of British modern art.


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台北華山創意文化園區Huashan Culture Park in Taipei


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案例分析Case Study


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