目前分類:中都唐榮磚窯場歷史介紹 (7)

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中都唐榮磚窯廠Chung-Du brick kiln

    中都唐榮磚窯廠位於沿愛河之同盟路三段及中華橫路所包圍之區域,其 前身為1898年日本人鮫島盛在三塊厝郊區創辦傳統目仔寮的鮫島煉瓦工廠,為高雄最早的磚窯廠,1913年改為「台灣煉瓦株式會社打狗工廠」,其建物為不同時期的建築,主要的八卦窯及兩根高聳的煙囪,則建於

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In 1908, three house relay official business. In the same year, beat the dog in Hong Kong have begun to modernize port construction and urban development to keep pace, resulting in rapid population increase, urban new construction boom.

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Brick kilns, situated in both Tang's love among the middle reaches all areas, the extent that the Republic of China for 60 years now, the theater is named. This area is located downstream of the like Sankuaicuo love the mouth of the north side of the exchange location. Qing Dynasty house left to rot for the three, three house that is in The Ming Wang, Cheng, Cai Sanxing reclamation of independence this way, three Feng Feng Gong and three in the Street area.Because of the low lying topography, soil over clay, planting is not easy, and the north side of the reservoir water clouds, separated in love with Neiweipi connected, until the beginning of Japanese rule is still sparsely populated, wilderness .

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